The Northern Section meetings offer a variety of formal lectures and club nights at their meeting hall together with staging exhibitions at local museums, demonstrations of horological conservation and visits to horological places of interest.
The Club Nights and Lectures usually alternate each month with a guest lecturer being invited to give a presentation to the meeting, often with visual aids and exhibits. For the club night a theme is chosen, and members are encouraged to bring items for display, and possibly to say a few words about them.
The meetings are friendly, relaxed and give the opportunity to meet new friends with similar interests, exchange views, ideas, and get help with solving your horological problems. As well as this you relax with refreshments whist your discussions take place.
Our meetings are held on the second Friday of each month at 7:30 for 8:00 pm and carry on until everyone leaves, usually between 10:30 and 11:00 pm. The venue is in The Village Methodist Church (formerly Sale Moor Methodist Church), located at 303 Northernden Road, Sale, Manchester M33 2PP. Parking in front of the church and surrounding streets is available. The church is located on the south side of Manchester within a mile of Sale Railway station and close to the M60 junctions 6 and 7.
Visitors and new members are always most welcome.
Northern Section
To be held at ourNEW VENUE of The Village Methodist Church, 303 Northernden Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 2PP at 7.30pm for 8.00pm, unless otherwise stated
Friday 10 January 2025
**Meeting Cancelled**
AGM rescheduled to take place in February, due to forecast of adverse weather conditions and consideration of members safety
Friday 14 February 2025
AGM & Club Night: Bring and Tell - Letter A
Friday 14 March 2025
Lecture: 'Clock and Watch Escapements' by Jim Arnfield
As usual our Christmas topic of Horological Ephemera attracted a significant number of interesting items all pertaining to the topic.
Some highlights of the study tour to Italy 2023 (November 2024)
As this tour was fully reported in Antiquarian Horology, September 2023, John Griffiths gave us glimpses of the many wonderful items viewed including his own ‘favourites’ which are included here.
The following images of St Mark’s Square Clock Tower in Venice are included as a set to indicate some parts of the installation which were not fully described in AH. The mechanism and the hammer-men which toll the hours from the roof of the tower are not included as they were illustrated and described in the journal. There is a wonderful website with a very full description of the whole installation here.
Wristwatches (October 2024)
The topic for our October meeting was wristwatches which attracted a range of items including innovative designs, commemorative presentation pieces, the first watches owned by members and everyday watches. A selection of these is illustrated below.
A ‘Watermel0n Watch’ – the result of a lockdown crowd-funded project by Studio Underd0g in collaboration with Swiss movement makers creating hand-wound mechanical wristwatches. The range features dials including the pizza, salm0n and passi0nfruit. (Zeros placed in the brand-name and names of the watches presumably as a company signature.)
American clocks and watches (September 2024)
The September meeting was the first in our new venue. It focussed on American clocks and watches and attracted a host of items. A small sample is illustrated below.
Club Night (August 2024)
The August meeting was another club night, its theme being Watch and Clockmakers’ tools. Many items brought in by members are illustrated below.
Other items shown included: gathering pallet blanks both right and left handed; a large selection of pinion wire, fifty wheel cutters purchased at a Furtwangen Clock Fair for 1 Euro each; a home made wheel cutter; piece of CZ 120 brass used in clock making; watch poising tool; blue pivot steel; five-sided broaches; magnifier for finding scribed crosses; parallel pliers; Water of Ayre stone for sharpening tools; Walsh’s catalogue; and a copy of Malcolm Wilde’s book, Clock Wheel and Pinion Cutting giving full descriptions and guidelines.
30 Hour Clocks (July 2024)
This theme attracted many longcase movements, wall clocks and a surprising alarm clock. Their dates ranged from c.1690 to the 1960s with makers’ locations varying from the UK, Germany, Switzerland and USA. A sample is illustrated below.
Comic, Novelty and Advertising Clocks & Watches (June 2024)
While perhaps not encompassing ‘comic’ clocks and watches, the selection of novelty and advertising items brought in by members for display and discussion was fascinating.
Novelty items were by far the most numerous and ranged from an antique automaton to souvenir items featuring music and/or movement. A small sample of the display is shown below.
Members' 10-minute talks (May 2024)
The theme for the May meeting was members’ ten minute talks; four members stepped up to present. These ranged from updating members on a clockmaking project and on new finds, two very different items by the same maker, and organ clocks.
These were:
Update on progress on making a Tekippe three wheel regulator
Two 50 year old items by Heuer
Updates on Liverpool’s tidal clocks and one made in Scotland
Organ clocks
The Tekippe regulator - progress
Following a meeting in October 2022,
The escapement which has its pallets on the pendulum, was completed but its ball race made it unreliable.
The escape arbor has been renewed.
The way the barrel is wound has been improved so it no longer affects the pendulum
The size of the bob has been increased.
A suitable, American case has been found.
Two items by Heuer
This desk clock by Heuer, launched in 1974, is now very rare. It is mains powered; its seven-segment display requiring 200v to run it. There is a quartz movement with integrated circuits and transistors. It told the time throughout our meeting.
Another Heuer item was a chronograph wristwatch also launched in 1974 on the USA market where it was marketed as the Kentucky.
Updates on Liverpool’s tidal clocks and one made in Scotland
Finney table clock with map of the Northern Hemisphere in the arch and a strange face engraved on the Liverpool patchwork centre with a mouth-shaped date aperture. What sort of person/creature/spirit is this?
Part of the dial of a clock by Thomas Gilmour. The spandrels show: Top left: Newton, Top right: Columbus, Bottom left: Cook Bottom right: Herschel
24 hour dial. Subsidiary dials: Top – seconds, Bottom – date and days of the week
Why is the compass reversed?
What do the D and M numbers indicate?
Organ clocks
Our member has been researching the makers of organ clocks and observing their progress in auctions for several years. Although not a clock, but driven by clockwork, this barrel organ by George Pyke, clockmaker to King George lll is a fascinating piece of work. It is housed in a Chippendale-style bureau-bookcase. It has a total of 160 pipes, intact, original bellows and two drums of tunes: one pinned with twelve single tunes and another with six spirally pinned tunes.
Chronographs, stopwatches and portable timers (April 2024)
This topic inspired members to search their collections; the image below shows a large display which was brought by just one member.
It includes timers for photography, aircraft, cookery, telephone call charges, medical and military uses. Amongst the chronographs and stopwatches there were examples made specifically for timing torpedoes, split second chronographs for timing race horses and for yacht racing, chronographs for aircraft use including one with a slide rule for calculating fuel usage, early automatic chronographs by Zenith, Universal Geneve and Omega and a French tachymetre for calculating speed or distance travelled.
Items shown by other members included a Cadencia portable metronome by Swiss Home Watch Company and a pocket watch which doubled as a thermometer; a Russian chronograph and an example signed by M. Hoffenberg of Leeds; a heavy, Blick portable time recorder and a timer rescued by a member from his workplace when it was scrapped 20 years ago – surprisingly its battery is still working!
An update on research into James Condliff, his family and their clocks. (March 2024)
Although many of James Condliff’s clocks are widely admired, the range of the work of three generations of Condliff clockmakers is probably better known in the north of England than elsewhere. Whilst touching upon much of the ground covered by Darlah Thomas in the London Lecture of January 2024, this talk included further information which has recently come to light. The images below illustrate some of the range of products made by the Condliff family.
Bring and display: horological items relating to X, Y and Z. (February 2024)
Members found these letters challenging, but some lateral thinking resulted in an interesting evening. Items shown are listed below and a selection of images is included:
Letter X. This being the most difficult letter, some interpretations were creative …
Ten horological reference books (X the Roman numeral for 10)
Ex-military items:- A wristwatch by Omega dated 1943 which was issued by the RAF. A mechanism for timing aircraft turns, probably dating to WWll, marked ‘Signal Corps US Army’, and ‘Sangamo Electric Company, Illinois’.
Letter Y.
Three pocket watches signed ‘Thomas Yates, Preston’. These were hallmarked 1849, 1860 and 1873. In addition, there were two 1920s Yates watch keys, each showing a different numbered location within Friargate, Preston.
Two items connected with America – Yanks! A girl on a swing replaced a standard pendulum on a very decorative clock. US government ‘Marathon’ chronometer.
A 1960s year-going longcase clock by Peter Bradley of Leicester.
Letter Z.
Three pocket watches: James Lowe, Hazel Grove’ [Stockport]. A warranted railway timekeeper signed by CB Mazzucchi, Crook, [County Durham]. A fine movement and dial only, signed Zimmerman, Liverpool, number 16158.
Two Swiss quartz ‘carriage clocks’ made by Imhof, one signed ‘Garrard’ and the other ‘Garrard & Co., London’.
Prescot Time Ball Project opening (January 2024)
Thirty-two Northern Section members and guests were invited to a simple opening ceremony at the Prescot Time Ball Project on 13th January 2024. We were the guests of Ron Musker and his family; Ron has been the driving force behind this project. A few years ago, Ron purchased an old time ball which had once been mounted on Beale’s Building in Islington, London. When that building was demolished in 1970, the ball became redundant after eighty years’ service. It arrived in Prescot in poor condition, but Ron had plans. The Flat Iron Building in Prescot which Ron had owned since the 1970s was ready for refurbishment and as it had a significant place in the town’s horological history as the home of the Lancashire Watch Company office, strong room, a few workshops and small warehouse, it was ideal for his purpose - to have a functioning time ball on his building as a beacon of the town’s horological past. We were there to witness the project’s completion.
AGM and video presentation (January 2024)
The meeting opened with the usual greetings and notices and then the AGM followed. Once the formal proceedings were completed, we had a refreshment break and then the group was shown a video entitled The Anatomy of a Singing Bird Box. The box, thought to date to c1865, was made by Frenchman Jacques Bruguier (1801-1871) who worked in Geneva.
The film was made and narrated by John Moorhouse and explains the construction and operation of the box and its bird automaton which John had the task of restoring. He explained some of the problems he faced and detailed how to set up and adjust the mechanism.