We are a friendly group having similar interests in clocks and watches and broadly-related matters and come together to widen our knowledge and understanding in horology, past and present, time-keeping, clock and watch making, and repair and restoration.
The Midlands Section was created in 1982 having monthly meetings normally arranged for the first Wednesday of the month with lectures mostly on Zoom at 7.30pm, two ‘live’ events annually at The School of Jewellery at Birmingham City University and occasional visits to museums, historic buildings and places of horological interest.
For invitations to attend please contact derry@watch-works.co.uk
Our Zoom meetings normally take the form of a presentation provided by an invited speaker. Recent meetings have covered diverse subjects: Repeater Pocket Watches, Black Marble Clocks, Edmund Howard: The Trials and Tribulations of a Quaker Clockmaker, a Posted-Frame German Wall Clock and Turret Clocks of Joyce of Whitchurch.
During the year we arrange two ‘live’ presentations at The School of Jewellery, Vittoria Street, B1 3PA, in the heart of the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham, and home to the pre-eminent horology teaching course in the country. The presentation commences at 2.00pm and horology students are invited to attend. The School is a short walking distance from the Jewellery Quarter railway station, and a multi-storey car park in Vyse Street, B18 6LP is close by.
Our AGM is at a Midlands central location at Shrewley Village Hall , CV35 7AP, some 5/6 miles west of Warwick, the main A46 and Junction 15 of the M40 motorway. It takes place on a Saturday in September to maximise travelling convenience for outlying members. Formalities are minimised to allow a friendly, relaxed event to meet old friends and discuss items brought along for display.
New members and visitors are always most welcome.
Midlands Section
Wednesday 5 March 2025 2.00pm at Birmingham School of Jewellery
'Timekeeping - A Hobby of a Lifetime' by Doug Bateman
Wednesday 2 April 2025 7.30pm on Zoom