AHS hybrid event booking page
Thursday 13 March 2025
'Time and timing: the tuning fork and its role in modern science', by Andrew Nahum
Those wishing to join this event online should register for the Zoom Webinar here.
Those wishing to attend in person at St Mary-at-Hill Church, London, should register for a TicketTailor ticket here.
These lectures are hybrid online and in-person events. London Lectures begin at 6.15pm (UK time) and last about one hour, followed by a few minutes for questions. Tickets are free.
Spaces for in-person events at St Mary-at-Hill Church are released on a first-come, first-served basis. Please also note that in-person events are subject to change or cancellation at any time. We would only do this for matters outside our control, and would contact attendees by email, so do please keep checking.