
In 2012, the AHS formally affiliated with the Royal Astronomical Society, a distinguished learned society founded in 1820. Its handsome apartments in Burlington House, on London’s Piccadilly, have hosted many historic lectures on timekeeping, and the two societies share a wide range of common interests.

In 2014, the AHS formally affiliated with the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, a City of London livery company established by Royal Charter in 1631 which is the oldest surviving horological institution in the world. The two institutions already collaborate on a variety of projects, including a recent co-publication, and share many common members.

In 2016, the AHS formally affiliated with the Wales and Marches Horological Society, a group founded in 1982 at the then Welsh Folk Museum, Cardiff. The two societies have always enjoyed close links, and formal affiliation further strengthens this collaborative relationship as well as usefully extending the geographical reach of the AHS in Wales.

In 2024, the AHS formally affiliated with the Horological Society of New York, a non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing the art and science of horology through education. Founded in 1866, it is one of the oldest continuously operating horological associations in the world. Partnership between the two groups represents a shared commitment to collaboration, integrity and excellence in the field of horology.